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Code of Ethics

Note: when the regulation below talks about "healing", it must always be understood as referring to one's own energetic and spiritual state.

  1. The Komyo Reiki operator (and even more so the Komyo Reiki Teacher) must help to achieve the "anshin ritsumei" or inner peace, by increasing the spirituality and humanity of those who approach him, both as a student than as a user of the Komyo Reiki treatment.

  2. The Komyo Reiki operator is not a medicine doctor, cannot prescribe drugs or treatments and cannot absolutely induce the suspension of medical therapies. The Komyo Reiki practitioner cannot promise or allude to miraculous physical healings. All the physical benefits found are due solely to the improvement of the person's energetic and spiritual level, and are the work of the Universal Energy.

  3. The Komyo Reiki operator must always be aware of the fact that many people who approach this type of discipline for the first time have problems of a different nature, which they normally cannot overcome with more traditional methodologies. It is therefore the duty of the Komyo Reiki operator to push such people to accept responsibility for their own healing, reminding them that "where there is a will, there is a way", in the sense that the intention to heal (if sincere) will guide positive energy to their aid. Precisely because of the psychological "weakness" of these people, the Komyo Reiki operator must maintain absolutely correct behavior both from an ethical point of view (he must absolutely not act as a "crutch" for the user who must not be dependent on the master), and from an economic point of view (we must not take advantage of situations of need).

  4. As Mikao Usui said, Universal Energy belongs to everyone and everyone has the right to use it to improve their situation. The Komyo Reiki operator has the duty to promote the diffusion and use of the art of healing with the hands and has the duty to facilitate anyone in accessing the discipline.

  5. The Komyo Reiki operator has the duty to transmit the discipline exactly as he learned it. Using the original manuals and without adding or changing anything. The teaching must absolutely adhere to the original and it is not possible to personalize the contents, so that the discipline does not lose its effectiveness.

  6. Each Komyo Reiki Teacher has the obligation to inform their students about this regulation. Should he train new Komyo Reiki Teachers, he is required to inform the aspiring teacher in advance about these regulations, to give him a duplicate copy and in the case of acceptance to send one of these to Komyo Reiki Kai Italia, dated and countersigned in original by the interested party, in order to allow the same to come into contact with Komyo Reiki Kai Italia and obtain authorization to use the Komyo Reiki brand. The printing and sending of this regulation to Komyo Reiki Kai Italia is the responsibility of the applicant and will not be refunded if it does not comply with the requests or in the case of suspension of the concession to use the trademark.

  7. Komyo Reiki Do Italia reserves the right to revoke the granting of the trademark at any time and without prior notice or reason. It is well understood that normally this right will be exercised only for the protection of discipline, users and the correctness of teaching.

  8. The only Komyo Reiki texts and manuals are the official Komyo Reiki Do Italia ones. The list of these is present on the website and is currently limited to the four manuals translated from the original. It is not possible for any reason to modify or customize these manuals in any of their parts or declare material that is not original as is. Any errors or corrections must be communicated to Komyo Reiki Do Italia so that everyone can be informed.

  9. It is not permitted to use the Komyo Reiki trademark for purposes not relating to the same discipline. The use of the Komyo Reiki trademarks is prohibited in all cases that may cause damage to the image, good name and integrity of the discipline itself. The use of the Komyo Reiki brand for uses or purposes that infringe the laws in force in the countries concerned is not permitted.

  10. Komyo Reiki Do Italia does not intend in any way to interfere in the student-teacher relationship and in the user-operator relationship. It seeks the unity of the discipline and the protection of the original teaching of Rev. Hyakuten Inamoto, in the interest of all operators and all users. For any additional information, you can send a request to the email address info[at]komyoreiki[dot]it.

  11. Komyo Reiki Do Italia recognizes the full autonomy of its operators in compliance with this Regulation. It is in no way responsible for the actions or statements of Komyo Reiki practitioners.

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