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Job relocation ∴ Advices for your personal growth PT. 1

Maybe someone of you did ever thought about trying a new job experience outside his own city or country. To try a different environment, to take a look to an intriguing offer or embrace a total-new lifestyle.

It's really important to test your adaptability skills on different levels for your personal growth. Especially if your goal is to increase your professional confidence and enlarge your job horizons.

I did it and now I'm able to share to you my advices. Let's see how to achieve this. 👀


The first step is about your intentions.

What I'm looking for? What kind of job experience could fit me and my professional profile? These are the starting questions you've to ask yourself. They represents the helm which will guide you to define your next choices.

For me has been the will to get more from my professional life. The certainty that I was in need of something extra than my hometown job was able to give me.

With this initial evaluation, you'll going to reach your first target - which should be aimed to try to broke your mindset limiters. If you framed the range and the kind of your future job experience, dive in it totally. Fight the doubts and the uncertainties that your mind could suggests you. Believe in your talents and rely on them. If your thoughts driven you to decide for a choice like this, that means that you already have everything you need to succeed.

Start looking for alternatives that could give you this opportunity. Inspect the outside job market and select a good number of offers with your scale of values. Get in touch with recruiters. Your new chance will show up in no time.

Advices for your personal growth
Job & relocation

Relocation & Job

The job you're looking for could be on a different place than yours. That will force you to exit from your “comfort zone” and start to acquire more awareness, by facing the challenges that will going to show up along the way. Probably you'll have to travel in order to join a local team and work on-site. Or, like nowadays if jobs in your branch have to offer, you'll have to do it by remote.

In the first case, your second step will be the relocation.

Without ever had experienced it before, in most cases it could be scaring for various reasons. Keep in mind to overcome your limits and focus on your objectives. Visualize in your mind your final job goal and you'll be able to face it step by step with no problems. I always lived in Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy) and later, I've been in Milan for 7 years. When I had to deal with mine, I've always charged myself by thinking about what fantastic opportunities awaited me there. But of course you've to be prepared in order to make it. Well, How?

Either that the job searching has paid off and your new one is already waiting for you or, at last, you chosen to look for it on a second moment, definitely you'll need a new house. Personally I opted for the second choice, because Milan has a very large job market for my previous industry and the demand doesn't missing, even in last-minute. So I was able to focus myself on my own relocation first.

Due for its huge preparation requirements, you should start looking for your next home well in advance. Look around the most trustable real estate websites. Use those specialized in the place you've chosen, which are the most relevant for your search. Pay attention to read and inspect in detail the house description and conditions – both administrative than physical ones. Ask for more information to property if something of important missing. Some key questions are:

  • Position: Is it near to the most useful transport means for my new job? How far is it from the office?

  • Contractual rules: are expected advanced payments and/or initial deposit? Are expenses included or separated in the recurring fee? Which are the withdrawal clauses? Plus, take care to inform yourself about the amount of time required in order to leave the house – which should be quite reasonable. Many people underestimate this point, but it could be the most important when you could be forced to change location all of the sudden;

  • Property conditions: when the last renovation has been done? All the systems are certified? What kind of services are present in the building (i.e. Reception, vigilance/security, urban neatness, etc.)?

After you've collected a good number of classified, contact the property or the appointed agents in order to book a date to visit the building. Depending on your plan, at least around 20 or more is a nice starting point.

Now it's essential to give yourself the time to visit the new location and carry out an inspection on selected ones. It depends on different aspects, among which:

  • Location: how far is it from my current one? What kind of travel I'll going to do to reach it?

  • Job: Was I already been selected for a new one? Have I enough time to dedicate to my relocation?

  • Relocation service (if present): How much time the service will going to take to transfer all my furnitures and goods? What kind of insurance provides for it?

Of course this is a very critical rating. In order to speed up the process, parallelize it: look for your house and pack your things. Plus, if you opted for a relocation service, request various quotes to different supplier to find the most convenient. Ensure that the transport will be insured.

I managed them in this way and in my case, I spent around 6 months only for packaging during my spare time. The booking part was the easiest – just a couple of weeks to accurately select the most interesting houses (thanks Google! ?).

Timing and management are indeed the main stages that you have to focus on. Your positive feelings and your willing to change must be your primary strength to help yourself in your new adventure.

Come on, you did the half of the work, you can do it! 💪

On the next part (read) you'll know how to manage the house on-site inspection and your new job.

Cheers to the next tip. 👋

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